Friday, June 25, 2010

Parent teacher meeting on SUNDAY(27-06-2010)

The first parent teacher meeting is scheduled on Sunday(27-06-2010) at 10:00AM in school.

All the parents are requested to attend the meeting.
Students need not attend the meeting.

As there are Unit Tests from Monday, Classes on the following dates have been cancelled.
SUNDAY - 27/06/2010
MONDAY - 28/06/2010
TUESDAY - 29/06/2010
WEDNESDAY Morning session - 30/06/2010
classes will run as usual from Wednesday evening.

Sunday(27-06-2010) is the last date for paying the admission fee(RS 1000/-). We are not going to entertain any new admissions after 27th.

we request all the parents to pay the fee as early as possible, so that we can give the materials to the students on time.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Time - tables

click on images for maximized view

Friday(25-06-2010) exam stands postponed

Keeping in view the commencement of Unit Tests, the exam scheduled on Friday(25-06-2010) stands postponed. - PRAVESH team, BDL